Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, August 11 2009:
Manipur University Tribal Students' Union (MUTSU) has condemned the BT Road incident of July 23 while also demanding the resignation of the Chief Minister for being unable to contain the present imbroglio.
In a statement, MUTSU President Pamei Tingenlung also expressed doubt over the competence of the DGP and SSP (of Imphal West).
It also demanded the two officers step down from their office before committing another blunder.
The statement also favoured the suspension of all forms of protest and agitation before August 13 as the Apunba Lup had set a deadline for the resignation of the CM by the same day.
It also urged all concerned to fight rationally, and not emotionally, in order that the demands are result-oriented.
The statement also thanked Tehelka for uncovering the truth behind the July 23 fake encounter episode.
It also believed that the revelation will prevent such fake encounter in future.
The MUTSU statement also sees the cabinet decision to deploy commandos and IRB personnel as unwise decision.