Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, October 31 2009:
The proscribed People's Liberation Army (PLA) has claimed hands in the attack on personnel of 10 Sector 0f Assam Rifles on October 29 at Itam Thong in Imphal East.
A statement issued by the chief, department of publicity of the Revolutionary People's Front (RPF), GM Changjou claimed that the attack was carried out by a four-member Special Team of the outfit's Auxiliary force.
It stated that the main target of the attack was Lt Col MS Bains though he escaped unhurt.
He survived the attack as he changed his vehicle before reaching Itam Thong.
It added that the special team of the outfit had withdrawn their attack after realising that their target was altered.
It further stated that Lt Col Bains may not survive the second time.
The RPF statement also expressed concern over the injury inflicted to a 15-year old boy, Irungbam Itamba by the AR personnel on the day.
The incident was an indication of the AR attitude towards the people of the state.
It further speculated that the civilians around the place might have taken the AR personnel's bullets had the AR suffered any casualty including Lt Col MS Bains.
The statement asserted that the Maruti Car, with multiple bullet marks, was not in any way related with the outfit.
The outfit had not used the car on the day.
The RPF/PLA expressed deep sorrow over the panic caused to womenfolk of the area due to the incident and I Itamba, who suffered injury by the bullets of its rival.
Informing that the PLA has begun launching urban guerilla warfare, the statement further cautioned the people to be vigilant disassociate from the security forces as it could strike the security forces any time.
It informed the people not to drive along with the convoy of security forces and not to share vehicle with the security forces whether it be in the hills or valley.
It also informed the people to crouch to the ground and crawl away to safe distance in case an encounter takes place.
The RPF also cautioned the police commandos to be more vigilant that the time is coming near for them too.
It also urged the people to distance themselves away from the police commandos.