Hill dists : Lagging in Science stream :: One of the first stepping stones
- The Sangai Express Editorial :: May 24 2017 -
At 68.81 pc the pass percentage in the Class XII examination this year is a bit better than the 65.42 pass percentage of last year.
This means that out of the 26,139 students who appeared for the Class XII examination conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur (COHSEM) this year, 17,987 managed to get through and while the students who have passed and those who have excelled certainly need to be congratulated, let it not be forgotten that this is but just another step towards what they want to become later in life.
History is ample testimony that not all those who excel in the Class XII exams will shine bright in future and not all those who about just managed to scrap through the Class XII hurdle will lead a life of mediocrity.
This point has been stated as a reminder to all the young students and the elders of the family that this is but just, albeit an important, another step towards the future.
There is no guarantee that all the Science students who have excelled in the Class XII board exams will get an automatic entry in one of the more sought after medical and engineering schools.
Same is the case with students who have excelled in the other two streams namely Arts and Commerce.
Not all those who have done exceedingly well in the Class XII exams from the Commerce stream will get into one of the top notch business schools and not all the Arts students who have done exceedingly well will get into a plum post after their higher studies.
Just a reminder to all the students and the family elders that there are still mountains to climb and no one should take it easy.
Not surprising that it is students from schools located in Imphal who have outdone their counter parts from other districts in Science and Arts stream.
In Science all 31 students who made it to the top 20 positions are from schools located in Imphal leaving one to raise the question why Imphal should continue to be the epicentre of excellence, especially in Science.
Why aren’t schools in the other districts, particularly in the hill districts able to produce meritorious students in Science stream is a question which beg a serious thought from all the educationists and policy framers of the State.
In Arts too it is an institution in Imphal, EK Higher Secondary School, which has bagged the lion’s share in the top 10 position.
Time for educational institutions from the other districts to give a sense of competition to the schools located in Imphal for this is the only road to excellence.
As in the past, Don Bosco School Maram in Senapati district is the only institution which has broken the monopoly of the schools in Imphal with its students occupying the top four positions out of the five declared by COHSEM in the Commerce stream.
This is where schools from the other districts should take a leaf or two out of the Maram school.
Attention should be given on why schools in the hill districts continue to do poorly in Science for education to have its real meaning in the State.
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