Inspection Tour of Imphal Moreh Tourism Circuit
Imphal, the 22nd of Feb, 2012
Moreh Yatriniwas
1/1/DD/2012 � DTSM
Government of Manipur
Directorate of Tourism
Imphal, the 22nd of Feb, 2012
A team of Manipur Tourism comprising of Dr K. Shyamsunder, Tourism Deputy Director, Mr Ibochoubi, Mr Brajalal, Mr Shankar and Mr Jia; Representatives from the Ministry of Tourism, Imphal Office Ms Lilabati, Tourist Information Officer & Mrs Thoibi and a renowned journalist (Mr Nikesh, Ereipak) made an inspection tour of all components/projects of the Imphal-Moreh tourism circuit, Destination Imphal and the Eco-Tourism Park at Nongmaiching Foothills, Imphal East on 21st & 22nd of February, 2012.
Tourist Information Centre, Moreh
The inspection tour covered the Mahabali Temple, Khangemba Laikon at Maibam Leikai, Waithou Tourist Home, Kaina religious complex, Wayside Amenities at Thoubal & Pallel, Cafeteria at Kakching Lamkhai, Kwarok religious complex, the unique Kwatha village at Tengnoupal, Tourist Home at Tengnoupal and the Tourist Information Centre at Moreh.
All these works are undertaken by Manipur Tribal Development Corporation (MTDC). The Wayside amenities at Thoubal & Pallel, Waithou Tourist Home and the Cafeteria at Kakching Lamkhai were found to be functioning. The Tourist Information Centre at Moreh is near completion. Other projects were found to be lacking behind and needs urgent attention.
Kwatha Village
The inspection tour also visited the Moreh Yatriniwas where a massive renovation through the Manipur Development Society (MDS) is taking place. These visits were meant to impart a significant momentum in making Moreh an important tourist hub.
The inspection tour also visited various tourist destinations in Imphal which were undertaken through the India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC). The sites were Cultural Hall at Hotel Imphal, Upgradation of Shree Shree Govindaji Temple, Tourist Facilities in University of Bhagwat Culture (ISKCON), Beautification of Thangapat Lake and Beautification of Pishum Park. Except for the Cultural Hall at Hotel Imphal and Beautification of Thangapat Lake, none of the other projects have taken off. The Department is in the process of taking over the funds from ITDC for the remaining projects.
Cafeteria at Kakching Lamkhai
The Eco-Tourism Park at Nongmaiching Foothills is being carried out through MDS and work is going on smoothly. This Park will eventually play an important role in attracting nature tourist in the near future.
(Dr K. Shyamsunder Singh)
Deputy Director, Tourism.
* This announcement was sent by Dr K. Shyamsunder Singh (Deputy Director, Tourism) who can be contacted at manipurtourismdept(at)gmail(dot)com
This announcement was posted on February 22, 2012.
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