Ibetonsana Shooting Competition to conclude today
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, August 25 2012:
The 1st State Level Khumbongmayum Ibetonsana Devi Memorial Shooting Competition 2012 organised by Kh Ibetonsana Memorial Trust will conclude tomorrow at Khuman Lampak Shooting Range, Imphal.
In today's events, S Binoy emerged top in .177 Peep Sight Air Rifle (NR) Champiosnhips 10 M Men's Individual.
He scored 383 points.
RK Sanahal and L Kulabanta won the second and third spots with 357 and 356 points respecively.
In .177 Peep Shight Air Rifle (NR) 10 M Jr Men's Individual, K Tijen, M Malemnganba and Ch Vishwas won the first three positions with 376, 368 and 367 points respectively.
T Aruna and GA Supriya won the first two positions in .177 Peep Sight Air Rifle (NR) 10M Women's Individual with 378 and 374 points respectively.