Source: Hueiyen News Service
Lamka, December 17 2008:
IN TODAY'S matches of the 24TH Manipur State Taekwondo Cham-pionship 2008 organised by All Manipur Tae-kwondo Association,K Sital of CTI TH bagged gold in the sub jr girls' middle weight category.
In the junior girls' middle weight category Bidyapati Athokpam of ESU won gold.
RK Diana of UTA in sr girls middle weight, K Milan of CTI TH in sub jr girls' heavy weight, K Lingthoingambi of CTI S in jr girls' heavy weight, L Santosh of SAI in jr boys' feather weight, M Jesan of SAI in sr boys' feather weight, L Lovely of CTI S in sub jr girls' feather weight, K Namita in jr girls feather weight, O Sandhyarani of UTD in sr girls' feather weight, N Ronibala of SAI in sr girls' heavy weight, Sh Momo of BBA in sub jr boys' feather weight, K Keshojit of SAI in sub jr boys' heavy weight, RK Manichand in jr boys' heavy weight, U Herojit of UTA in sr boys' heavy weight, M Sunil of SAI in sub jr boys' middle weight, W Johnson of SAI in jr boys middle weight and Md Abash Khan of UTA in sr boys' middle weight category won gold medals respectively.