Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, March 05 2009::
Today's match of the 3rd Manipur State League organised by the All Manipur Football Association (AMFA) which was played between North Eastern Reorganising and Cultural Association (NEROCA), Sangakpham and Phoudel Youth Club (PYC), Phoudel has ended without completing the match as players of PYC raged upon the decision of the conducting referees.
The incident took place when a player of PYC kicked the ball towards the goal mouth of NEROCA in the second half.
Players of PYC claimed that a player of NEROCA kicked back the ball from inside the goal line.
The matter went worsen and players of PYC tried to beat assistant referee S Kennedy.
The match was stopped for about 10 minutes.
After that the conducting referee asked the team captain of PYC whether they should play the match or stopped it right there.
PYC's team captain refused to play the match further and the conducting referee stopped the match in the 68th minute of the match.
Score positions for both teams at the end of the match were two goals for NEROCA and one goal for PYC.
The first goal of the match was scored by L Nabachandra of NEROCA from a ball passed by O Pitler in the 18th minute of the match.
In pursuit of the goal L Bikram of PYC striked back one goal against NEROCA in the 24th minute of the match.
The second goal of the match was also scored by L Nabachandra in the 60th minute of the match.
According to the article number 69 of the rules and regulation of AMFA, if a team refuse to play a match during the progress of the match, the team is liable to be fine with Rs 5,000 at minimum.
According to the severity of the matter, that team may be expelled from the tournament.
The conducting referees were kept in a closed room of ESU under lock and key for their safety.
Referee Ibungo was bleeded in his nose when a player of PYC tried to hold him through a window of the room where they were kept.
A player of PYC also kicked the door of the room.
Lack of volunteer of home ground NEROCA and security personnel to control any unwanted situation was clearly seen today.
It may be recalled that the ongoing MSL was once again stopped in a match between NISA and TRUGPU when both teams' players began to fight with each other and after much discussion it has been a few days that the MSL has resumed.
If the tournament stopped once again like happen before, what would be the fate of the future MSLs has become the fear rising in the mind of the sports loving persons of the state.
According to a reliable sources, PYC has submitted a memorandum to the AMFA regarding the incident today.
But there are no further reports.