Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, April 26 2009:
THE LAMKANG Kurchuknao Kunpun (LKK) former Chief Election Commissioner, Daniel Leivon Lamkang has nullified the statement of SK Sunny, ex-speaker of LKK which appeared in some local dailies on April 23 .
A clarification issued by Daniel Leivon Lamkang said that the statement of SK Sunny was concocted and added that the LKK tenure had expired in November 2008 prompting the conduct of election for new office bearers.
Daniel also refuted the charged statement of Sunny that the turmoil within the LKK is his creation to pursue personal interest in the Lok Sabha election.
The statement further said that no willing intention was there to remove SK Sunny from his post but circumstance arising owing to the expiry of the term has prompted it so.