An exclusive chat with RK Meghen II
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, October 06:
UNLF Chief, Sanayaima reveals his plans for a Mass Uprising in Manipur to CNN-IBN Special Investigation Editor VK Sashikumar.
Transcript of the interview with CNN IBN
VK ShashiKumar: You seem to be very confident about ethnic affiliation but recent history suggests that there's a deep ethnic divide between various ethnicities and there's a clash between ethnicity on one hand and identity on the other.
How do you expect to bridge that divide?
RK Sanayaima: We take it to be necessary step of historical development.
We're passing through that critical stage.
All ethnic communities are an essential stage of historical development.
Another stage will come after this and we believe that after this, despite one's ethnicity, all of us will realize that greater unity will evolve in the process of this ethnic assertion.
As we have been saying several times, ethno-exclusive ideologies is a temporary phenomena & this region will develop as any other region � from ethnic identity level to greater than identity.
We're moving towards that.
Now what you see are ethnic conflicts and all.
We should not rule out external factors and forces taking advantage of this ethnic group situation.
VK ShashiKumar: But that might continue?
RK Sanayaima: India is very much trying to keep us divided on ethnic lines pitching one ethnic group against another.
The same old divide & rule policy.
Colonial game � that's still going on.
Despite all those external factors, we believe that all the ethnic communities in Manipur and of course in the region will come to unite.
That is the historical process.
That will happen � of course it'll take time.
VK ShashiKumar: Do you envisage a situation to come where Nagas would have bridged the differences with Kukis and co-exist�?
RK Sanayaima: I'm saying that something is moving.
The direction that we're moving towards and we believe that the major communities should realize the importance of getting united.
Major communities should make more sacrifice to bring about unity so that at certain points of historical developments, minor communities haven't been alienated.
They should be brought back again, realize together the necessity of co-existence, co-development.
If we don't realize this, we sink together.
No one will survive.
VK ShashiKumar: What about ULFA?
RK Sanayaima:That is there.
Despite that, if ULFA wants to survive, they'll realize that just peace talks will not bring peace.
Peace talks will not bring anything in our objective nearer to us.
That should be substantial.
I don't believe ULFA will not go to peace talks without any concrete assurance of the substance of the talk � the core issue.
ULFA's core issue is the restoration of Assam's sovereignty.
So far, the GOI has not responded to that.
VK ShashiKumar: And NSCN (IM)?
RK Sanayaima:Well, obviously the talks have gone on for too long to make any headway.
It's not moving toward any solution.
I think it's time that it did realize the Indian policy and so-called peace talks.
Peace is very temporary.
VK ShashiKumar: Do you think the hidden wars in India's north east is a failure of its democracy, failure to satisfy regional political aspirations?
RK Sanayaima:Yes that aspiration was always there because in the elected Assembly of Manipur in 1948, the ruling (To be contd).