Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, November 26:
The Central Committee of the UNLF besides greeting the people of Manipur on the occasion of its 42nd foundation day has also issued its annual statement, addressing a gamut of issues and highlighting its ideologies and beliefs to the people.
.8"Lady Warior": On today's occasion, the UNLF would like to make specific mention of the significant contribution of Nura Temsingnabi Irom Chanu Sharmila by her fast-unto-death in spreading the message of our National liberation struggle against Indian rule.
Her courage, bold determination, and particularly her fight with the ideal of self-sacrifice for the sake of her compatriots have rendered more weight to our struggle.
It will not be wrong to observe that her relentless struggle has added a new dimension in awakening the masses of our people, not only in Manipur but in the entire Region as well.
In a sense, Sharmila is the inevitable product of India's atrocities.
Let her living example become the inspiration to give birth to many a 'Lady Warior' against repressive atrocities not only in Manipur and the Region, but also to the world at large.
.9Progress of Liberation Struggle: Overall, despite Indian reinforcement of security forces with heavy artilleries, despite India's continuous effort to isolate the liberation forces from the masses of our people with the allurement of money and other cheap facilities mixed with intimidations, despite the several 'informers' and collaborators they use, our National liberation struggle has been making steady progress.
Because it is the law of liberation dialectics that the more severe the repression becomes so much more the liberation struggle becomes stronger, provided the struggle is guided by correct line and correct policy.
This is true for our struggle also.
Now it is distinctly clear that our struggle has reached that stage which is impossible to be suppressed by sheer military force.
What is more encouraging is the historic understanding reached in the larger National interest for working together between KYKL and UNLF.
This is a significant step towards unity of our liberation forces.
The first fruit of this understanding is the reunification of the faction-ridden KCP by the collective effort of KYKL-PREPAK-UNLF.
We congratulate all the members and leaders of the KCP and of KYKL and PREPAK as well for this significant achievement.
Further, we believe that the collective effort of KYKL-PREPAK-UNLF to save our society from the clutches of drugs and intoxicants would bear fruit in due course of time.
The UNLF believes that all these are factors that strengthen our liberation struggle.
We sincerely believe that such collective steps taken honestly would build our united strength and ultimately overthrow Indian rule.
10.On Plebiscite: It is almost two years now since the UNLF announced the '4-Point Proposal' for holding a plebiscite under UN aegis as a means to resolve the Manipur-India Conflict once and for all.
So far, the Indian Government has not responded except some personal remarks of a few Ministers and the 'Governor of Manipur'.
The loud silence has to be read that the Government of India does not want any satisfactory solution to the conflict and that they only want an Indian solution.
As has been stated earlier, it is now crystal clear that India, despite being the largest democracy, will not have the moral strength to accept the proposal for plebiscite.
India knows that today our people want liberation from repression, and this is the main reason for their silence.
The main apprehension of the Indian Government is the inevitable repercussions when Manipur becomes independent through a plebiscite.
This is an open secret.
It is, therefore, certain that India will not accept the proposal for plebiscite under normal circumstances.
Then what next ? Shall we abandon the struggle for plebiscite, our democratic right, just because India will not accept it ? Or, a popular movement for plebiscite should be launched ? It would be relevant here to know that the issue of plebiscite has pushed India at an awkward dilemma.
Thus, the proposal for using the democratic means of plebiscite to resolve the Manipur-India Conflict has become the cyanide-capsule for India.
This reflects the inner weakness of India.
Therefore, the UNLF would emphasise that the movement for plebiscite should be intensified and carried through to its logical conclusion which will compel India either to accept plebiscite or recognise Manipur's sovereign independence.
We call upon all our ethnic compatriots to get prepared for the impending movement.
11.Conclusion: Last year we expressed our serious concern about the impact of globalisation our society will be subjected to by India's 'Look East' policy.
We also emphasised that India's 'Look East' is a veiled strategy to defeat our liberation struggle which has become impossible to be suppressed by military force.
Our strategy to defeat the Indian strategy is to transform their 'Look East' into our own Look East which was predicted long ago in our Miami Shingle Puyam (Changes of Time) as 'Eastern Gateway will open'.
The steps to be taken with the speed of time is to prepare, first, a National Economic Policy which should give priority to human resource development, widespread development of Cottage industry along with the transformation of Agriculture as an industry, and development of Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) based on our resources and needs.
Second, to prepare a National Cultural Policy which would take care of the cultural impact of globalisation and give a correct direction to all our social, economic, political and cultural activities so as to build a wholesome National life.
The UNLF believes that the two points stated above are the most essential factors for our survival as distinct human groups.
Therefore, we call upon our compatriots of Hills and Plains, the peasants, the landlords, the workers, the capitalists, the entrepreneurs, the teaching community, the students, Manipuri employees and officers of the present Manipur Govt, Ministers and MLAs, to perform the responsibilities at their respective levels so as to build a National effort for our survival.
Our special appeal goes to the civil society organisations to shoulder the task of mobilising the masses of our people in this endeavour.
Above all, we appeal to all the ethnic communities to stand together so as to resist the onslaught of India's policies behind the veil of 'Look East'.
Last but not the least, we call upon our fraternal revolutionary organisations to take a common stand and provide leadership to the popular movement of our people.
12.Revolutionary Greetings: On this occasion, UNLF Central Committee extends warm revolutionary greetings to the leaders and members of all the fraternal Parties/Organisations of Manipur.
We also extend revolutionary greetings to the leaders and members of long-standing fraternal organisations KLO, NSCN (K), TPDF and ULFA and wish them progress and success.
Also, we extend our revolutionary greetings to the Kashmiri people.
We are indeed inspired by their relentless struggle.
We wish them success in their liberation struggle against the common enemy, Indian expansionists.
Above all, we express our special greetings and gratitude to the countries and the civil society organisations supporting our struggle as a just cause 13.Revolutionary Salute: On this solemn occasion, UNLF Central Committee, on behalf of the Party and the Army, offer our revolutionary salute to all the leaders, cadres, revolutionary fighters and to all patriots in remembrance of their supreme sacrifice and reaffirm our pledge that we will continue the struggle until final victory is achieved.