Campaigners denied permit to meet Irom Sharmila: 'Denial testifies human rights abuse'
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, October 29 2011:
Activists of National Alliance for People's Movement, who arrived here on October 27 to extend solidarity to Irom Chanu Sharmila have been denied permission to meet the anti-AFSPA campaigner.
Human rights activists from about 15 States had arrived as a part of the Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign, which was flagged off from Srinagar earlier this month.
Joined by rights activists from Manipur, the rallyists after briefly staging a sit-in-protest proceeded to JN Hospital complex to meet Sharmila yesterday but the police personnel on duty at the Security Ward of the Hospital stopped them from meeting Sharmila as they had no permission from the Government.
As the rallyists insisted on meeting Sharmila and began to squat/assemble near the security ward of the hospital police drove them up to the nearby protest shed of Sharmila Kanba Lup.
However, the rallyists volunteered that they be arrested and taken to the police station and attempted to head to the Hospital again resulting in a mild scuffle and slogan shouting.
President of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Ila Pathak decrying the police action and denying them permission to meet Sharmila said the denial only testifies abuse of human rights by the Government.
Justifying Sharmila's non-violent movement, Pathak said not only in India but the international community is aware of Sharmila's campaign to protect human rights.
Sharmila's elder brother, Irom Shinghajit termed the Government's denial for permission as discriminatory and biased.
Recounting permission granted to a staffer of The Telegraph newspaper recently, he said such indifferent attitude and partial act of not allowing human rights activists from 15 States call on sharmila is shameful and unfortunate.
Shinghajit informed that a complaint has been registered to the National Human Right Commission by the rally participants for denying them permission to meet Sharmila with a similar protest lodged by the Just Peace Foundation.
Commenting on the issue, co-convenor of Sharmila Kanba Lup K Taruni said several women activists decided to join the sit-in-protest in solidarity with the movement of Sharmila, who had been fasting for over a decade.
She maintained that inspite of yesterday being Ningol Chakkouba festival, they skipped the grandest festival to lend support to the cause being undertaken by Sharmila.