Source: The Sangai Express
Moreh, November 20 2009:
In connection with Border Trade Fair and Tourism Expo, 2009 which is scheduled to be organised sometime in January, 2010 in Myanmar, a joint meeting of the Indian and the Myanmarese delegates was held at Tamu today.
The Indian delegation comprising president of Nirvana Pilgrim Society (NPS), Kolkata N Padhi, secretary of the Society Tarun Das, vice president of North East Federation of International Trade (NEFIT) and traders participated in the meeting.
The Myanmarese delegation was led by chairman of Tamu Town Kuang San OO and secretary of Border Trade Chamber of Commerce U Aye Ko.
It may be recalled here that in an earlier India and Myanmar have already given their approval on organising the Border Trade Fare and Tourism Expo, 2009 in Tamu town of Myanmar sometime in January 2010 .
However, during the meeting today, the Myanmarese delegation proposed for shifting the venue from Tamu to Kalimiyu town in view of infrastructural requirements and urged the Indian delegates for approval in this regard.
The proposed Expo aims to focus on development and promotion of industries, border trade, medical tourism and cultural tourism among the ASEAN countries.
Thailand would also be participating as a partner country in ensuring the success of the event.
After the meeting between the delegates, a press briefing of the print and electronic media based in Moreh was held at the conference of Trade Centre, Moreh later during the day.