Lawyers on AFSPA
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, November 18 2011:
The Indian Association of Lawyers (IAL) has resolved that the Indian Parliament should adopt a resolution during the winter session to repeal Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1958 from Manipur and other Indian States where it is in force in view of the serious threats posed by the military Act to civilians.
The Indian Association of Lawyers held its 9th national conference on November 5 and 6 at Chandigarh Judicial Academy.
The national conference was also participated by H Premkrishna who is IAL Manipur State Committee member as well as IAL National executive member.
During the conference, Premkrishna presented a paper giving detailed accounts of Sharmila's 11 year old crusade and the multiple cases of human rights violation and extra-judicial activities committed in Manipur under the draconian AFSPA.
The conference was also attended by Supreme Court Judge Justice GS Singhvi, Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryna MM Kumar and Advocate Generals of different States.
After Premkrishna had presented his paper, lawyers attending the conference unanimously resolved that AFSPA should be repealed from Manipur and elsewhere where it is in force.
They further agreed to exert pressure on the Government collectively so that AFSPA is discussed during the winter session of the Parliament and see that the infamous Act is repealed at once.