Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, October 29 2009:
Two robbers stole gas cylinder and belongings of a house after keeping tied both hands and legs of an age old man of the family.
The robbery incident tool place this afternoon at about 2.30 pm at Kwakeithel Mayai Koibi Chabungbam Leirak and the 70 year old who was kept tied by the robbers was identified as Chabungbam Nodia.
He lives only with his wife Mema in the house.
At the time of looting the house, only Nodia was in the house.
The two youths entered into the house this afternoon and asked about Mema who is a retired teacher on the pretext of having talk for admission.
When Nodia said she was not at home, the two youths asked for water to the old man.
When, he entered to fetch water, they followed him and threatened him with a knife which was also picked up from the house.
The up the volume of the radio in the house, shut mouth and eye and kept him tied and took away gas cylinder and some cloths from the almirah of the house and left the house immediately.