Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, December 02 2009:
The online edition of Human Rights Special Report, Manipur-2009 of Human Rights Initiative (HRI) was released by Loitongbam Sarat, Ex Member of MLA and Founder Member of Extrajudicial Execution Victim Family Association (EEVFAM), and the website of the Human Rights Initiative "" was launched by Ng Nongyai, Member, Manipur Human Rights Commission at the office of the Human Rights Initiative, Wangkhei Thangapat Mapan today.
According to a statement issued by the Executive Director, Lc.
Jinine Meetei, the function was presided over by the Dr RK Ranjan, the chairperson of Human Rights Initiative.
The book, the Human Rights Special Report, Manipur-2009 of Human Rights Initiative is a compilation of 121 incident accounts and data especially about the extrajudicial executions in Manipur over last 10 years.
The larger data given in the table format focus on the incidents occurred during the period 2008 and 2009.Human Rights Initiative puts in some other data of rights violation and an analytical write up is also included covering most of the contents in this report.
Without taking any position of abusive and malicious intention on the bias basis, Human Rights Initiative, Manipur would like to make use of our work of fact finding, family visit and documentation for enabling to bring justice for those who are undergoing pain and suffering due to the gross human rights violations.
"The purpose of this report is to extend an endeavor to draw the attention of authorities and stake holders concern by alerting with the contents of this report.
We intend to make a juxtapose using the indicators that how far the issues of extrajudicial executions veer away right to life of peoples of Manipur from the universal standard," it stated.
With help of the website, would like to continue human rights campaign and advocacy at the international and other various levels.
The site contains the background of rights issues other related material about Manipur including struggle of Irom Chanu Sharmila, it added.