Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, December 22 2008:
THE ALL India Students' Federation (AISF) decrying the decision adopted by the All Manipur Recognized Private Schools Welfare Association (AMRPSWA) to increase the admission fee of private school students ranging from 20% to 30%, appealed to the government to take essential actions against the decision.
The AMRPSWA has decided to hike admission and tuition fee of students in its general body meeting held on December 19 last.
They also approved the academic calendar 2009 drafted by the central committee on September 20 last and teachers to serve a full session of one year at least if engaged once with the school authorities, submission of teachers' qualification and designation by the school authorities to the association and to continue common question examination for class V, VIII and X as before.
Meanwhile, AISF in a statement today said that all the schools should charge at a standard rate chartered by the government and AISF also expressed their surprise over the decision of the AMRPSWA to increase the admission and tuition fee but there is no mentioning of increment in the salary of the private school teachers.
AISF also expressed discontentment against the act of the government for remaining silent despite several private schools are mushrooming without meeting the government's guidelines and also condemned the culture of commercialization of educational institutions.
It also warned the government if not take up necessary action against the decision of the AMRPSWA they will stage protests.