ZYF, AZSU disprove Tribal Affairs Ministry's move
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, December 10 2011:
Zeliangrong Youth Front (Assam, Manipur & Nagaland), ZYF (AMN) and All Zeliangrong Students' Union (Assam, Manipur and Nagaland), AZSU (AMN) have disapproved the alleged manner in which the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, government of India sought to balkanize the Zeliangrong people into six entities, namely, Kabui, Rongmei, Inpui, Kacha, Liangmai and Zeme through Bill no.108 of 2011 .
In the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2011, the Ministry has blindly followed the controversial recommendation made by the government of Manipur in 2006 under the tutelage of certain vested interests who arbitrarily by-passed the recommendations of 1991 and 2011, President of ZYF (AMN) Titus Kamei and President of AZSU (AMN) Pamei Tingenlung contended in a joint statement.
The two Zeliangrong bodies have urged the Union Minister of Tribal Affairs to have a relook at the various representations submitted by the Zeliangrong people as well as at the earlier requisite recommendations made by the government of Manipur to the government of India for recognizing 'Any Zeliangrong tribe' as a common Schedule tribe group.
If the Bill is passed in its present form, the government of India and whoever is party to this Bill should be held entirely responsible in the event of launching of a democratic movement by the aggrieved Zeliangrong people.