Governor, IGAR greetings
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, November 09 2011:
Governor Gurbachan Jagat has greeted the people of Manipur, specially the Sikh brethren on the auspicious and joyous occasion of Guru Nanak's birthday.
'Cutting across the barriers of caste and creed, encompassing followers and non-followers, leaving behind an eternal message of peaceful co-existence of mankind as a whole, the teachings of Guru Nanak are a logical path leading to salvation through love, compassion, mercy, benevolence, forgivenss, non-violence and renunciation of materialistic desires", the Governor observed in his message to the people.
Gurbachan further observed that the teachings of Guru Nanak are very relevant to the present situation when the atmosphere is marred by enmity, conflict and social tensions.
While celebrating the birthday of this outstanding apostle of peace and non-violence, we should pledge to follow his ideals, principles and values, the Governor exhorted, while joining the people of Manipur in the celebration of Guru Nanak's birthday as well as in praying for peace and prosperity for all in the state.
Meanwhile, Major General UK Gurung, IGAR (South) and all Ranks of Assam Rifles also extended a very warm greetings and sincere goodwill to the 'People of Manipur" on the auspicious occasion of Guru Nanak Birth Day.
In a press release, IGAR (South) conveyed his earnest message of peace, harmony, unity and understanding on this joyous occasion.
He earnestly wished that all the goodwill and harmony may bring together all of the people irrespective of caste, creed and faith.