Source: Hueiyen News Service
Seoul (South Korea), May 10 2009:
YOUTH ACTIVISTS from Twelve different countries today demonstrated in Seoul against martial law, corruption and support for Sharmila in Manipur.
According to Kshetrimayum Onil, over 40 youth activists gathered in Seoul voicing against martial law (the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 - AFSPA), institutionalization of corruption in Manipur and to support Sharmila's struggle.
The youth activists comes from various parts of the world including Indonesia, Turkey, Pakistan, Nepal, Thailand, Burma, Kazakhstan, Korea, Cambodia, China, Democratic Republic of Congo and India.
These groups of activists are voicing against the regimental government of India who has been masquerading in the banner of largest democracy in the world.
The martial Act (AFSPA) which has been imposing to only certain ethnic race of India i.e.the region of East India on pretext of "disturbed area" and to control insurgents uprising for the last 50 years has not shown any improvement of the region rather deteriorates abyssmally and spawning of various arms groups.
While the "disturbed area" can also be called in naxalite area which is spreading across 13 states, to be mentioned even our Prime Minister said "it is the single biggest internal security challenge" in 2004, but there is no AFSPA been imposed so far and we are not calling for it but abolish from democracy India.
However it still remains and applicable only to certain race and region of India i.e."the North East" India without any conditions.
Also India is a signatory of UNs CEDAW and CERD since 1993 and 1969 and these two UN committees had already recommended for the repeal of this heinous Act on various charges including racial as well as violence against women.
Leave alone repealing the Act the central government appointed committee Justice Jeevan Reddy Committee report of recommendation to repeal the Act has not been made public so far.
On the other hand perpetrators of the armed forces is still scot free as this Act allows complete impunity unless it is intervene from centre(?), to be mentioned over 20,000 people had been killed so far in three decades.
in NE On ground of this blatant lies and sheer ignorance by the government we are calling "Down to Fascist Democracy (India) � Repeal Armed Forces Special Powers Act 1958", "No Martial Law in Democracy India � Repeal It!" and "India Treat Your Citizens Equally and Democratically But Not Martial Law.
We are also voicing against the increasing massive trends of corruption under Chief Minister Okram Ibobi where it becomes an institution exercising more or less in a legitimate manner as does killing under AFSPA.
For instance, it is reported in every sub inspector level police recruitment at least 25,000 US$ is paid, and this proportionate to the brutal killing spree by security forces in order to cover the paid amount under the table, this has been proven in many cases on various account of their modus operandi such as most of the death body victims are found without ornamental rings or necklaces, without money or without even shoes.
Still it is very risky for common people to go out with good sum of money or expensive stuffs in Manipur as they might fall prey in the common trends of fake encounter.
Referring to this escalation of gruesome trends of violence and perfect governance failure we youths are appealing to the people and messaging to the Chief Minister and UPA government "Corrupted/Contractor Minister Ibobi Do not Contract State Manipur and People" and "People of Manipur Boycott the Contractor Government � Protest for Food, Jobs, Water and Electricity � Wake Up!!" and "People of Manipur Boycott the Government who Support Martial Law (AFSPA)".
We are also deeply condemning the increasing activities heinous act carried out by various insurgents and security forces on killing innocent unarmed women and people in Manipur and urgently appealing " Insurgents and Armies/Commando Stop Killing/Bullying Your Own People � We are All of Same Blood � Embrace with Love and Peace � Lets not get Caught in Indian Colonial Politics � Lets Fight Together.
The need of this hour is to have peace dialogue amongst the perpetrators, not necessarily with the government, to bring mutual understanding of the problem and support based amongst citizens of Manipur and start a new discourse of peace.
People's initiated rigorous peace movement is very crucial as we are the only human who often caught in the crossfire between two ideologies of Indian nationalist and revolutionaries.
A staunch citizen like Irom Sharmila who started a firm peace movement is keeping at bay by the people as well as government simply because it is undemocratic while Mahatma Gandhi's fast for few days is said to be democratic.
India is well verse in creating confusion for the people of North East so let us not get caught in this murky situation.
We are in solidarity to Apunba Sharmila Kunba Lup for their relentless effort to strengthen her struggle.
Save Sharmila � Every Citizens of Manipur Wake Up! We will be launching series of campaign and discussions in the following months to come against AFSPA and solidarity to Sharmila.
Supported by: Manipuris in Korea, Ismail Fahmi (Sedane Labour Resouce Center ,Indonesia), Imran Afridi (Frontier Rural Support Organisation, Pakistan), Baris Hanifi (Human Rights Lawyer, Turkey), Shreejana Pokhrel Siwakoti (Human Rights and Migration Management, Nepal), Thona Yiombi (Political Refugee, Democratic Republic of Congo), Yin Yin Mon (Democratic Party for New Society, Burma), Mayzin (youth activist, Burma), Lee Eun Jin (youth activist, Korea), Yoo Chang Hoon (youth activist, Korea), Kim Olessya Sergeevna (youth activist, Kazakhstan), Chanya Pacharatham (youth activist, Thailand), Seo Sun Mi (youth activist, Korea), Kuy Rumduol (youth activist, Cambodia), Feifei zhang(China), Bono (India).