Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, November 05 2010:
Even though no date for the visit of Congress supremo Sonia Gandhi is fixed, SPF government is estimating a 25,000 strong audience in the proposed public meeting at Mapal Kangjeibung on her visit in the state.
Meanwhile, towing the Kabui womenfolk, Chiru womenfolk have also demanded an allotment of vendor seats for Chiru women hawkers at the three multi-storey market-sheds to be inaugurated by Sonia Gandhi.
Chiru Women Welfare Centre, Sadar Hills has submitted a memorandum to the Chief Minister in this regard.
Despite having no fixed schedule for Sonia's visit, hectic efforts are on to keep everything ready well ahead of her visit.
Authorities are working day and night on a war footing to keep ready all the projects to be inaugurated by her.
Chief Minister, O Ibobi, who had assessed the concerned works several times before, inspected the sites today again in the morning.
He was accompanied by Works minister K Ranjit, PDA chairman Dr Kh Loken and deputy chairman of state planning commission, Bijoy Koijam.
Chief Minister first inspected the development and rejuvenation work inside the Kangla fort, particularly the helipad from where Sonia Gandhi is expected to be airlifted to visit Churachandpur to inaugurate Khuga Multi-purpose project.
O Ibobi then, went to Bir Tikendrajit Park and Sahid Minar where Sonia would be addressing a public meeting.
Ibobi instructed workers there to keep the site as clean as possible.
He also inspected the park where an estimated 25,000 people might gathered.
He was on a lighter vein when officials gave a green signal of meeting the expected capacity.
He stayed at the site for about 15 minutes.
After that, he visited the work progress at the three multi-storey womens' market-shed.
There a group of women vendors called on him and insisted him to have consultations with Sonia Gandhi in the allocation of seats of the market-sheds to the vendors.
They also pressed upon him to invite comment of the UCM in the seat allotment as the body had taken a major role in settling differences which arose at the initial stages of the construction of the multi-storey building.
Ibobi assured them he would act as per their request.
Ibobi and his entourage of ministers and officials also inspected the Tribal Market construction site at New Chekon which is also planned to be inaugurate by the UPA chairperson.
Meanwhile, Chiru Women Welfare Centre, Sadar Hills today submitted a memorandum to the Chief Minister drawing his attention to the allotment of seats to Chiru women hawkers at the three newly construct market-sheds.
They wanted to a reservation of around 30 seats for Chiru women hawkers reminding that they had applied for the same as early as 2008 .
In the memorandum they also said the indigent and ignorant Chiru women hawkers are confronted by great difficulties.
They also submitted a list of hawkers which includes seven each from Bungte, Nungsai and Kangchup Chiru, five from Dolang Khunou and three from Sadu Chiru.