Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, September 03, 2009:
A warden beaten up two students lodging at the boarding blue and black, reported the guardians of the injured students today.
The incident occurred at the boarding of GI Menton High School at Lamphel Touraung Khul.
The two students beaten up badly by the warden were Takhellambam Bishworjit son of late Bobo of Leikithabi studying in Standard-III while the other was identified as Thoudam Bidyarani (14) daughter of Ito of Tera Urak studying at Standard-VIII.
Injured Bishorjit told that said the warden badly beaten up him following a confrontation with one of his colleagues living at the neigbhouring room at the boarding in the afternoon of August 1.The confrontation erupted when his colleague tried to take forcibly the sweeper he is sweeping his room saying that he should do it first.
When, the warden named Maul intervened to stop them confrontation and baton charge them using a piece of water pipe.
In the baton charge the other student did not hurt but he received bluish marks at the button, thigh, etc.
which he was fainted by the impact of the assault.
Bidyarani told that on the night of August 30, she was beaten up by the warden with a stick badly for not by-hard lesion.
On the next day also she was beaten up.
The warden had beaten up her for getting one mark sort of in the subject, he is offering in the school.
She left the boarding quietly for home, she told.
The warden beating them up had joint the school on August 15.When he was introduced to the students, the founder of the school warned the students not to complaint with their parents or guardians when thrashed them.
Following the threats of the founder member, the two injure students did not say a single word to their parents when they come to meet them.
Grand mother of Bishorjit, Takhellambam Radhe observed that beating students by the teachers for not taking interest in study and not obeying their order is general matter but to beat them up badly till bluish marks is too much.
It is not the character which a teacher is to possess.