Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, November 05 2010:
Chingmeirong Rongmei Youth Club (CRYC) has decried the conduct of the State forces including lady personnel who entered Chingmeirong Kabui village on the night of November 3 and pulled down all the sign boards without giving any prior information.
In a statement, CRYC general secretary D Bonhon wondered by the police have to pull down and take away the sign boards.He pointed out that the wordings on these sign boards like 'Know your root Every river big or small has a beginning.
All you who have wandered far, it is time for homecoming', 'Stop imitating : Be who you truly are', Loss of religion is loss of culture; Loss of culture is loss of identity; Once identity is lost, is life still worth living ?'; 'Religion and culture are inseparable, they are the two sides of the same coin'' 'Beware of those who blindly worship materialistic culture of the west and think that it is religion', etc are not against any community.
CRYC has also appealed to the authorities concerned to look into the matter and ensure that such incident do not recur.