Delhi conclave resolves to work for Zeliangrong integration
Source: Hueiyen News Service / Daniel Kamei
Tamenglong, October 24 2011:
The first ever Zeliangrong conclave, "ZELIANGRONG 2011" was held at New Delhi on the 22nd of October, 2011 under the theme "One People, One vision, One Voice".
The conclave was attended by Zeliangrong elites, youth and student leaders, research scholars and professionals besides the members of the "Zeliangrong Naga" Facebook group, which organized the event., said a press release.
The press release signed by Rangro Herie, Convener Zeliangrong 2011 said that special invitees including Raitu Chawang, President, Zeliangrong Baudi (AMN), Tingenlung John Pamei, President, AZSU (AMN), Romeo Palmei, President, ZYF (AMN), Spoke person Titus Kamei, ZYF, K.Elu Ndang, Gen.
Zeliangrong Baudi (AMN), representatives of Zeliangrong Theological Forum, Pou Benzamin Pamei, President, Zeliangrong Welfare Association, Delhi, Penam, President, ZSU Nagaland, Chunthuigai Kamei, State Secy.ZSU Manipur, Poukindin Malangmei, President, ZSU Delhi and his colleagues and resource persons were also prominent leaders present in the conclave.
He said that after a day-long interaction and deliberation many resolutions have been unanimously passed by the house and appealed to the Zeliangrong apex bodies to earnestly implement the resolutions at the earliest in the interest of the Zeliangrong people.
Among the resolutions adopted, the conclave pledged to protect Zeliangrong people, land and resources and to work for the Integration of Zeliangrong territories, which have been arbitrarily trifurcated into Assam, Manipur and Nagaland.
In this regard, the conclave felt that early integration of Zeliangrong territories would invariably strengthen the process of Naga integration too.
Supporting the Indo-Naga peace process was another resolution.
The conclave also appealed to the Zeliangrong apex bodies to remain vigilant and see that the interests of the Zeliangrong people are ensured when the Indo-Naga settlement is arrived at and lastly appealed for peace and harmony and immediate cessation of all acts of hostilities and violence in Zeliangrong country, the release said.