Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, February 24, 2010:
The Kuki National Organisation (KNO) today celebrated its 23rd Raising Day at the Salem camp some where in Churachandpur district today.
The Presidential message of the KNO, PS Haokip was read out by Motilal Anal which says' Dear members of KNO and my fellow-Kuki people, on this day, the 23rd Kuko National Organisation's (KNO) Raising Day, I extend my heartiest greeting and congratulations to every Cabinet member, officials and workers,and Wing Commander and brave cadrea of all member organizations sharing the KNO umbrella.
I also extend my heartfelt appreciation to the kUki public,who have provided moral support in our endeviour to strengthen the Kuki Nation.
Your unceasing prayer to the Almighty God has enabled us to celebrate this Raising Day.
It was on the 24 Febuary, 1988, under the leadership of the late Thangkholun Haokip, C-In-C and the late Brigadier Vipin Haokip, Chief of Army Staff (CAS) KNO was formed at Molnoi village near Indo-Burma border to restore Zal'n-Gam, ther Kuki Nation to its former glory.
On this auspicious day, I also extend my salutations to all the departed soulds, who are no more with us.
They may not be with us in person, but they will always be remembered.
I also extort each of their family members, relatives and friends and all member of KNO to join me in paying our respect to their memory.
From the time I took on the onerous responsibility of leading KNO, it has been my desire to personally meet each other and every one of you and express my gratitude.
It is also my aspiration to intereact with you and enlist your goodwill to work together to govern ourselves in order to preserve,secure and develop Za'en-gam, our ancestral land given to us by the Almighty.I sincerely mean this because we all need to co-operate to revive Za'len�gam form its present state.
Prior to the advent of the british colonists, the KUki were independent people governed bu our chieftains.
Our traditional chieftainship also serve as an institution embodying Kuki culture and tradition.
Semang and Pachong,Council of Ministers,aided the chieftains in the day-to-day administration of our land.
By God's grace today the Kuki people are represented in the KNO.
In August 2005, KNO and the Indian army signed Suspension of Operation(SoO) when KNF(MC) and KNF(Z) joined the KNO umbrella.
By 2006, the Armed Wings of the grew to include Kuki National Army(KNA) Kuki National Front(Military Council) Kuki National Front(Zogam) United Socialist Revolutionary Army(USRA) Zou Defence Force(ZDV) Zomi Revolutionary Front(ZRF) United Komrem Revolutionary Army(UKRA) Hmar National Army(HNA) and Kuki Liberation Army(KLA).
In 1992,Kuki was represented for the first time in the united Nations Working Group on Indiginious Populations at Geneva, Switzerland.
On 9th August 2006, KNO and its armed wing,represented by Dr Seilen Haokip and myself, signed the Deed of Commitment to Ban AP landmines with Geneva Call at Geneva.KNO is the 31st oprganisation to sign thius important agreement from amongst other organization all over the World followed by memorandum submitted to UN General Secretary and the India and Burma Mission at Geneva.
In December 2007,with the ground-breaking event of the United Old Kuki Liberation Amy( Khoibu and Maring) and the Kuki Revolutionary Army(Unification) or KRA(U) also joining the groups sharing the KNO umbrella,the total number has risen to a formidable twelve of the KNO armed wings.
With view to achieving an amicable political solution for he Kuki people, KNO signed Suspension of Operation(SoO) with the government of India and the state Government of Manipur on 22 August 2008 at New Delhi.
Towards the fag end of 2008,the Pakan Army now known as Pakan Reunification Army( Anal Lamkang, Muyon, Monsang, Chothe, Tarao) joining the KNO umbrella, Kuki unification framework has been firmly set place.
The day is not far when all the sons of Za'lengam will stand shoulder to shoulder to resurrect our land.
KNO National Convention was held in Lamka from 12 November to 3rd December 2009 important resolutions were passed during this convention in regard to our land and the Kuki people political future.
KNO's 23rd Raising Day to to fulfil the dreams of the Kuki people to be fully integrated within the Union of India and the Union of Myanmar by way of our ancestral lands being accorded full statehood by the concerned Governments remains our prime motivation.
All the KNO members and the Kuki people to join hands in the effort to rtealize our God-given inheritance to be free people in the nations of India and Myanmar, president, PS HAokip said.