Zeliangrong CSOs strongly react to March 5 killing
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, March 07 2011:
'Condemnation/protest clarified'
Daniel Kamei, Correspondent Hueiyen Lanpao, has clarified that "on the news item published in this newspaper on 6 March, 2011 under the caption 'NSCN-IM kills ZUF...' it is hereby being clarified that the Zeliangrong bodies did not condemn or protest the firing incident but appealed to all to pray for peace in the Zeliangrong region.
Error cause is regretted" .
Zeliangrong civil societies have experssed concern over the recent firing between the newly floated Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF) and NSCN(IM) at Khoupum area that killed "one Zeliangrong youth".
The CSOs have said they more time to take up initiatives to bring about an understanding, negotiations and a reconciliation among the conflicting parties.
This was stated by leaders of the CSOs in a press meet at Manipur Press Club today on behalf of the Zeliangrong Boudi (AMN), All ZSU (AMN), ZSU (Manipur), ZWS, Manipur Valley, Rongmei Phuam, Zeliangrong Reserch Forum, Manipur, and ZWC, MU.
They appealed for peace and restraint from all concerned.
Any form of violence initiated from any quarter will not be tolerated in Zeliangrong areas, they said.
The March 5 killing has created restlessness to the Zeliangrong people.
The leaders also said the incident is condemnable in the strongest term.
They also said it is extremely said to learn that an intended peaceful rally at Tamenglong was prevented by some "national workers" .
"The Zeliangrong people should not be put under such restrictions.
If any organisation(s) is trying to impose martial law, the Zeliangrong people will not remain as mute spectators," they said.
Asserting that although other underground outfits like Manipur Naga Revolutionary Front (Ukhrul based), Pakan Army (Chandel based), People's Support Group (Senapati based) etc.
have been floated in other Naga areas of the state in recent times, the "punitive action" against Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF) by the NSCN-IM is against justice and fair play.
Why should the Zeliangrong people be singled out while no action has been initiated against other Naga outfits, they asked recalling that ZUF had, in a press statement, clearly stated that it is not against any revolutionary groups and their main agenda is to work for Zeliangrong unity and integrity and to protect the land and resources of its people.
NSCN-IM had set the deadline of March 10, 2011, for the newly floated ZUF to surrender but they have gone ahead with the operation on March 5 instead.
This leaves no time and space for the civil societies to undertake peace initiatives, they alleged, saying that the Zeliangrong people are entitled to know who ordered the operation against ZUF on March 5 .
"Whether the high command of the NSCN-IM ordered this March 5 operation or did some other individuals with vested interest ordered this operation," they asked.
The CSOs further demanded that responsible persons who initiated the operation of March 5 that led to the killing of one ZUF cadre "should be brought to justice by terminating them from the service of the Nation and appropriate punishment given" and urged for immediate cessation of firing in Zeliangong areas and withdrawal to their respective camps to facilitate the civil societies to play their part in bringing about understanding, reconciliation and peace.
If the appeal to refrain from more bloodshed is not headed by any organization, the Zeliangrong people will be compelled to launch non-cooperation movement against the organization(s) operating in Zeliangrong inhabited areas, they said.