Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, November 04 2008:
Around 35 hectares of paddy fields located at Leingangching village, about 35 kms from Imphal along Ukhrul road, have failed to produce any yield this time.
According to a press release issued by S Leingangching Litan Village Authority, the paddy plants were attacked by an unknown disease just as they were ripening.
An assessment team constituted by the village authority observed black powdery insects swarming on the stems of the paddy plants.
Informing that the farmers' several months of hard labour had gone into vain leaving them with no harvest, the village authority has appealed to the State Government, agricultural scientists and NGOs to help the villagers identify the disease which is observed in the area for the first time so that necessary precautionary and protective measures can be taken up.
Pigs dying in Tousem village: An unknown disease has claimed around 150 pigs including piglets at Njingning village under Tousem sub-division of Tamenglong district, informed ZSUM, a team of which reportedly visited the village recently.
Observing that the villagers have been hit hard by the death of animals, the ZSUM has appealed to the authority concerned and the State Government to redress the woes of the villagers at the earliest.
It also appealed to the Dept concerned to repair and clear landslide debris on Haflong road.