Sana Konung hosts inter-community marriage
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, October 09 2011:
In an instance which may encourage inter-community marriage in the State, espousal ceremony of a Tangkhul lad and a Meitei lass was solemnised at Sana Konung Utra Sanglen (Royal Palace) in the presence of Titular King of Manipur, Meidingu Leishemba Sanajaoba today.
The ceremony marked the formal pronouncement of entering into nuptial knot of Kasomva Ringphapem of Hamleikhong Hungpung, Ukhrul and Thangjam Dhakeshori Devi of Thangmeiband Sinam Leikai, Imphal West.
The couple was legally declared husband and wife on August 1 last by Marriage Officer, Imphal.
Sana Konung priests performed laitin thaba (ritual ceremony) in the presence of large number of Royal Palace functionaries, family members, friends, and well wishers of the newly wedded couple.
Speaking at the joyous occasion, Meidingu Leishemba Sanajaoba said, Manipur did have the tradition of inter-community marriage since time immemorial.
However, it has been omitted for quite long with the embracement of new social belief, religion and culture by different communities, he added.
Leishemba Sanajaoba pointed out that Utra Sanglen is now keen to revitalise the receded tradition of the past which has become a must in the current Manipuri society.
Leishemba Sanajaoba added that he has witnessed three intercommunity marriages including today's ceremony at Sana Konung.
The first marriage ceremony was held between a Liangmei girl and a Meitei boy in 1997 and the second one between a Meitei boy and a Kom girl.
Secretary of Utra Sanglen, Puyam Tomcha Meitei said that Meidingu Pareihanba (Okendra) declared abolition of untouchability among hill and valley people on April 23, 1992 at Mapal Kangjeibung.
Tomcha also promised to put in effort by Utra Sanglen to restore the past tradition of inter community marriage.