nails LDCs
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, November 04 2008:
Along with warning three IAS officers who failed to carry out the directives given by the Government even after three years, the State Vigilance Commission has also recommended to the Government for terminating the service of 28 LDCs working in the Revenue Department who have been given regular appointment in violation of the Court ruling.
Disclosing this to The Sangai Express, a reliable source informed that following the announcement of introducing a new scheme called Swarna Jayenti Sahari Rojgar Yojana (SJSRY) in place of the Urban Alleviation Programme earlier implemented by the Ministry of Urban Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, Manipur Urban Development Agency (MUDA) had issued instructions to all the Deputy Commissioners concerned, who are also the Chairmen of the DRDAs, for taking up necessary measures.
But it was found out that three of the senior IAS officers did not carry out the instructions even after three years.
Consequently, the Commission has recommended to the Government to warn the three IAS officers.
The new scheme was announced in December 1997 and the Deputy Commissioners concerned have been repeatedly instructed to close the bank account related to the earlier programme and open new accounts of the newly launched scheme.
But in case of Bishnupur district, necessary works for implementation of the scheme had been taken more than three years.
Even if the State Government had given the instructions to all the DCs in 1997, the accounts in the UCO Bank, Bishnupur branch related to the earlier programme was closed only in 2000 by the then DC of the district Letkhogin Haokip.
Two former DCs of Bishnupur who came after Letkhogin Haokip namely C Kipgen and Dr Suhel Aktar have also not taken up any necessary measures in time for implementation of the new scheme.
Taking serious note of the matter, the Commission has recommended to the Government to warn the three IAS officers.
On the other hand, in connection with a case, the Commission has recommended to the Government to terminate the service of 28 employees of the Revenue Department who have joined the service as officiating LDCs but are found to have been given regular appointment by concealing the relevant Court ruling.
Though the ruling of the Gauhati High Court passed on March 13, 1991 had directed State Government to regularise the posts only if there are vacancies, the same has been annulled by another ruling of the Court passed on September 6, 1996 .
However, regardless of the second Court ruling, Secretariat Revenue Department had issued three different orders on September 9, 1998 to regularise the posts of the 28 officiating LDCs.
In another case, after seeking the help of forensic experts in examining the hand writing of an employee who joined service in the Minor Irrigation Department as LDC but promoted to UDC after fraudulently entering his educational qualification as BA in the service book, the Commission has recommended to the Government to reinstate the said employee to his earlier position.
By an order of the Government on November 15, 1979, Kh B Nelson Yunglung of Purum Laining village in Chandel district had been given appointment and posted as an LDC in the District Agriculture Office, Tamenglong.
Subsequently, in 1980, he was transferred to the Minor Irrigation Department.
For promotion to UDC from LDC, the candidate should have worked for atleast five years if he/she is an Under graduate and for atleast three years if he/she is a graduate.
In case of Nelson, as he had fraudulently entered his education qualification as BA in the service book, he had been promoted to UDC on August 17, 1983 .
Besides recommending to the Government for reinstating Nelson to his earlier rank of LDC, the Commission has also taken up a criminal case against him.