Way of the civilized mind
- Imphal Times Editorial :: January 01 2017 -
The warning bell that has been sounded by the UNC with the declaration of the resolution to intensify the already crippling ‘indefinite economic blockade’ despite protests and appeals from every quarter could not have been any clearer.
The persistent efforts of the UNC to force the hand of the majority community of the valley into a chaotic conflict so that their concocted claims of ‘oppression and suppression’ by the ‘communal’ state government can have some semblance of truth have been out in the open for a while, even though those who are behind the very divisive strategy might had the wrong notion that the gameplan is being hatched and implemented in secrecy.
While the protracted efforts have managed to ruffle a few feathers and spontaneous unwanted and undesirable reactions have been witnessed, the majority of Manipuris who are bearing the brunt of the blockade have taken it all in stride as civilized individuals are expected to in the face of extreme and unwarranted provocation.
We still believe and are betting on a more civilized form of settling disputes and grievances as the best way out although it does not mean that the rest of the public who are showing restraint will remain that way when things reached the tipping point.
But the most pertinent question that the thinking public has been asking is: does the megalomaniacal idea of Nagalim been endorsed by every individual who deemed themselves Nagas either by ethnic affinity or due to overriding concerns of safety and survival?
The hubristic display of misplaced ethnic superiority does not bode well and should be curtailed- and this goes both ways.
Ethnic exclusivity is a concept which should have been left behind with the turn of the previous century, and it is indeed unfortunate that despite advances in almost every sphere of human endeavour, stakes are being claimed on the grounds of faith, culture and beliefs which are and should remain the most personal of preferences.
Judging the world by looking through a one-way mirror can be more damaging than one would ever have expected.
There cannot be any doubt that the present unfortunate social development have aroused emotions and the instinct to give a befitting reply cannot be wished away.
Yet to give in to the provocations would be debasing ourselves and the values we are trying to uphold as Manipuris.
Difficult as it might appear at the moment, we need to repose our faith in the government, and any form of grievance arising out of the present undesirable situation should be made towards the government since it is the one formed by the representatives of the public.
A vindictive approach towards any other group on the pretext of drawing attention of the state government would only make matters worse, and made a fool of ourselves.
It is only when we can really start turning disappointments and obstacles into opportunities, can we laugh off these thinly-veiled threats to the land we all have come to love and adore irrespective of our different and vibrant cultures, beliefs, faiths and customs.
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