Understanding responsibility
- Imphal Times Editorial :: November 03 2017 -
There is no dearth of the voice of dissent in the society against various discrepancies no matter who is in the power.
Yet the protests and agitations have been somehow put under control.
Yet absurd as it may sound, it would do us much good to take a long hard look at the genesis of the problems, for, at the heart of the matter, one would almost always find ourselves to blame.
It is no mean feat, by any standard, to run a Government, especially in a topographically challenged state such as Manipur.
The diverse cultures, customs and traditions, while adding to the charm and magnetism of the place, isn’t helping much when it comes to framing policies and plans that would appeal to every section of the population.
Add to it the universal conflict of limited funds versus the unrelenting demand for employment and development, the situation becomes primed for an impending social cataclysm.
And the resulting situation is unfolding right in front of us, getting a little more vivid with the passage of time.
We, the informed public have become more than accustomed to reciting our rights, and are increasingly becoming vocal and aggressive.
Much as we would have loved to deny, the uncomfortable truth remains- that we have become habitual in condemning the Government and holding it responsible for all and every social ills, forgetting the fact that we are effectively discrediting ourselves of our choice made during elections to select our representatives who is duty bound to work for us, on our behalf and with us.
Our society has seen and experienced disruptive forces and divisive attempts masked in the garb of social emancipation and freedom.
Freedom to do what? We are not exactly under the rule of a tyrant or even a military junta.
Granted, the inhuman AFSPA and other restrictions that even threaten the very existence of a person are very real and intimidating, but do not come in our way while we go about with our daily activities and lives. One is still free to speak out, write up, work and keep our earns.
We can still move around anywhere anytime and pursue any of the many engagements a normal person might ever think of.
We are free to voice our concerns and publicise our objections. We even have courts of law to settle disputes and address our legitimate complaints.
What we really need is not patience for the Government to deliver, with our hands between our legs, or even resort to violence and destructions to assert our rights.
We need to force the system work in the manner it ought to.
And to do that, we need to first be mindful of our conduct and mentality.
We need to follow our conscience and stand for what is right, and be prepared to make sacrifices to uphold it.
We need to gather up the courage to wean ourselves away from the temptations and the lure of unethical and easy gains.
But above all, we need to be firm and be considerate of the needs and rights of others as well.
It is when we are being true to ourselves, then we can really hope and expect the changes we are shouting ourselves hoarse about.
It would be the greatest blunder if we keep discarding the potent weapons of democracy which are devised to serve and protect our interest.
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