The perfect gamblers
- Imphal Times Editorial :: January 24 2017 -
If one failed to dance to the tune of the drum beat, he/she could neither be called a good dancer.
The Manipuri saying still stands true and many across the world consider it one among the best proverb as success is brought to the act on perfect timing.
Napoleon could have conquered United Kingdom had the United Kingdom waited for an appropriate time to strike back.
Hitler could have been the empire of the world had not the Russian waiter for winter to hit back at them or hadn’t the American strike deadly atom bomb at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japanese imperialism would have spread all over Asia and history would have been different.
The leader who know where and when to act is called a successful leader.
On the other hand a person who failed to utilize time properly and doesn’t do homework well on where and when to act is a fool blessed by destiny if in case he remains success.
This is what the people of the state are going to witness in March first week this year.
Cry for justice of the fake encounter killings, peoples’ movement for repeal of draconian act AFSPA, fight against corruption – now is history, with the man in the center stage sidelining it with major issues keeping on the dice.
Now game of throne is between the congress which is in power in the state and the BJP which is in power at the center.
The prolonged social tensions and manifestations of discontents have taken various shades and hues with the course of time.
What is becoming more apparent with each passing day is not the clarity for the expressed demands, but for the implications of such agitations or in other word the game being played with the kind of agitation.
The increasing rigidity of the stances of the opposing parties has increased the necessity for an effective and speedy intervention.
The state government however, having found itself caught in the middle as always, has started the process of implementing its tried and tested formula of dumping the whole issue with the centre, or at least making it seem like so.
Meanwhile, the adamancy of the extremists in sticking to their ends of the issue has elevated the present imbroglio up another notch in complexity.
The deck is now clear and the battle is already set with the main issues keeping on the dice.
When both gambler gains in either one way or the other, people are now are facing extreme hardship. Its time we the people study who is playing dirty game and teach them a lesson.
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