Tasked to monitor peace talk : RB Koijam - Gen Himalay team
- The Sangai Express Editorial :: October 19 2017 -
Radhabinod Koijam and Konsam Himalay.
Good team to study all aspects of the ongoing peace talk between the NSCN (IM) and the Government of India especially in view of the ‘highly secretive’ nature of the Framework Agreement signed between the two entities back in 2015.
A move which should have been initiated earlier, but better late than never and it is here that all should be reminded that it would be unrealistic to expect the Consultative Committee to spell out the details of the Framework Agreement.
Leave that to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the NSCN (IM) leadership to spell out the details at the time they think is appropriate.
However it should be kept in mind that the two men team have a huge responsibility, responsibility in the sense that it would be expected of them to present the case of Manipur in clear cut terms to the power centres and the people who matter.
Keep in touch with RN Ravi, the Government of India Interlocutor to the ongoing peace talk, is a step in the right direction and there can be nothing better than to keep the man who is directly involved in the ongoing parleys informed of the position of the State and her people.
Such a Committee could have been formed earlier, for remember the Framework Agreement was signed back in 2015 and even though Manipur was under the Congress then, this should not have made any difference in the sense that what is at stake here is Manipur and this should transcend political parties.
On the part of the State Government, it would be right to give the Committee the mandate to reach out to the neighbouring States namely Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.
Such a move will make sense for these two States are also under the BJP and three BJP ruled States talking in a common language not to cede to the demand of the NSCN (IM) for Naga integration will carry a lot of clout.
June 18, 2001 and earlier the massive rally organised by AMUCO after the ceasefire between the Government of India and the NSCN (IM) was signed made the stand of the people clear, as far as the integrity of Manipur is concerned.
This stand has not changed and will not change either.
It is here that it would carry so much more weight if more efforts are put in to reach out to Assam and Arunachal Pradesh so that three States can give a collective stand on the sanctity of their respective territory.
A more people to people contact among the three States should be encouraged and likewise the State Government may also see how to reach out more effectively to the two neighbouring States.
That a final solution to the ongoing political negotiation between the NSCN (IM) and the Government of India is at hand has been aired more than once and the signing of the Framework Agreement back in 2015 has only added to the sense of urgency to reach a solution.
This is fine for all would want to see the political dialogue going to its logical conclusion but yet at the same time it should also be ensured that nothing infringes on the interest of Manipur.
It is here that it becomes important to cultivate friends who matter at New Delhi.
In Radhabinod Koijam and General Konsam Himalay the State may have found the right persons and apart from keeping tab on the peace talk, the Committee should see how it can reach out to others.
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