More than putting the vehicle into motion : Of traffic chaos and mad rush
- The Sangai Express Editorial :: November 01 2017 -
Something needs to be done and fast at that.
And a radical shift in the mentality of the people should form the biggest slice in the ‘something’ that needs to be done.
One here is talking about the traffic chaos that one sees and experience daily on all the roads and streets of Imphal.
Number of vehicles increasing rapidly on one hand and just no scope to widen all the roads to the limit that one would want and herein lies the perfect script for the traffic snarls that one sees daily on all the roads of Imphal.
The mentality of the people to not listen or see the traffic man manning the different points in Imphal has only added to the chaos and confusion on the roads of Imphal.
To many Imphalites, driving is no more than turning the ignition key, kicking the engine into life, kicking or pulling the clutch, putting the vehicle into gear and then releasing the clutch to move the vehicle.
No more than this, for all those behind the steering wheels have been ‘taught’ from an early age not to respect the other vehicles on the road but just move so that one reaches one’s destination.
Such a mindset sands out like a sore thumb at all traffic island when vehicles coming from one direction are signalled to stop.
With most of the drivers more keen to push forward as much as possible, a good part of the road to be taken by vehicles coming from the other direction, is occupied, thereby restricting free flow of vehicles.
Why not stop the vehicles when asked to do so without inching forward and give ample space to the other vehicles to pass through as conveniently as possible.
Restrict the free flow of vehicles coming from the other side, by inching forward when the signal is to stop to give ample space to the other vehicles.
It is this mindset which sucks.
Let the traffic police crack down hard on such selfish drivers.
Here it is also important for the State Government to draw clear lines on the road so that all vehicles stop behind the line and any vehicle which crosses the line can be penalised and fined heavily.
Driving license of repeat offenders should also be cancelled without any delay.
Traffic cops manning the roads of Imphal too should be given proper training or sent for proper training and they should be given the authority to come down hard on anyone found violating traffic rules and regulations.
Come down hard on all those who do not hesitate in overtaking other vehicles from the left side.
On the other hand, the Government may also explore the idea of coming up with new fly overs at strategic points as this can go a long way in easing traffic snarls.
If situation is like this now, one can imagine how it would be like when the marriage season in the valley starts.
This is where the Government may also explore the idea of setting down a limit on how many vehicles a marriage party can take along the road.
Voluntary organisations too may chip in and send the message that it makes absolutely no sense to have as many cars as possible in a marriage convoy.
Buses can easily replace the cars.
Time also right for the Government to expand Imphal for it absolutely makes no sense to proceed to Paona Keithel, Thangal Keithel, BT Road, etc for everything from buying the day’s groceries to buying a TV set or refrigerator.
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