For that little bit more
- Imphal Times Editorial :: June 22 2017 -
The one basic thing that could make much of almost everything much easier, simpler and smoother, yet seemingly impossible to accomplish is the act of coming clean.
It would indeed take a much greater strength of character to own up to our mistakes and shortcomings, and still greater willpower to refrain from deliberately committing acts we consciously know is wrong and false.
The few fortunate ones who have the grit and will to transcend these urges are acknowledged and respected, even revered.
On the other hand, a new breed of “Go-Getters” who would not stop at anything to achieve their goal is on the rise- the pressures of present day society helping in developing and pruning such mindset to perfection.
They are the restless, hyperactive and aggressive ones who do not cater to emotions and aesthetics.
Modern parents and guardians are increasingly urging their wards to adopt the letter approach towards life in order to carve out a place in the society that invariably results in a level of respect- respect that again is dependent on the earning capacity, the social circle adopted and living status maintained.
Increasing compulsions for security in terms of food, shelter and a step towards a more secure future could be the factors that prompted the collective thinking towards adopting such an attitude towards life.
But then, does that justify the adage “All is fair and love and war”?
Is our life becoming a daily struggle, a battle- if not a war, we are destined to wage every single living day of our lives?
Where does that leave us with any room or opportunity for improvement- not the financial kind, but a more rounded and holistic one as a person?
The present developments in the society – particularly that of mindless atrocities and lack of considerations that is becoming rampant would be, to a large part, a spill-off of this new approach towards life.
Greed takes precedence over everything else, making our lives worse off than when we started.
What then could be the panacea for these aberrations that has come to plague our lives of late?
The answer lies within us- common knowledge which just needs to be acknowledged, and more importantly to act on.
Putting up a façade of make-believe and a show of benevolence and righteousness will not absolve anyone of the crimes and wrongs.
This is of utmost importance for everyone, and more so for those who are donning the role of public representatives.
Concepts like beauty, peace and harmony can only be experienced if we can rise above our petty urges and look at life- that of ourselves and the ones around us in a different and totally new perspective- one that does not have anything to do with wealth, power or fame.
But how does one explain these “abstract” concepts, even after knowing them to be true, to someone struggling to earn a square meal on a daily basis?
Aren’t there adequate schemes and programs to alleviate these basic sufferings being borne by a majority of the people in the State?
How do these people who are consistently trying to find any menial job just to earn enough to eat come to know of these schemes if they are not informed, and more importantly, assist them in getting their fair share?
Who would not want a little extra, even inspite of having more than everything they could possibly ever need in life?
The best persons to validate this observation will be in the performance of those in whose hands are the reign of power and affairs of the State.
“The earth has enough to satisfy man’s needs but not man’s greed”: Mohondas Karamchand Gandhi.
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