A need to ponder upon
- Imphal Times Editorial :: March 01 2017 -
When a guardian wait and watch to heal the wound without giving proper medication in time, the act was often described as ‘negligence’, ‘irresponsible’ and so and so.
It’s is perception that, even after knowing the wounds will be healed in the passing of time, there is no dearth for criticism. This is human society of 21 century.
Competition everywhere, the onetime valued first division student is now of no used unless the marks he get crossed 90% and above.
And this is a signed real world. And there is every reason for criticizing the guardian who waits to heal the wound of his ward instead of taking to physician for speedy cure.
The so call festival of democracy is a troublesome for students of the state.
Politicians political party seems almost forgotten that the pillar of our future need to be cultured well by not engaging them in the dirty game they played.
One wonder why students should be utilized as a tool for election campaign.
The game of throne is also seriously affecting the life of the students.
The wait and watch game by the government have left with no choice to many students that they now comes to the streets demanding justice for the people of the state.
In any way the students have been affected and the future of the state is at stake.
Manipur, the erstwhile kingdom, which became a part of India in October 15, 1949, is now seriously suffering from a chronic illness.
The wound is getting serious day after another and everyone knows that “it is bleeding”. That is why the guardian of this erstwhile kingdom, now a state of India, needs to find an immediate cure.
The wait and watch policy which has been seen following for a quite long time is going to worsen the wound and definitely there is will criticism from almost all corners for being irresponsible guardian.
History still tells how the then erstwhile kingdom after becoming a part of India was treated after its merger to the Indian Union. It was given the status of Part C state.
Status of a state was only given after peoples’ movement. Then there was an issue about the influx of foreigners’ which is being continued till today.
Amidst the various issue the most controversial accepted by critic as draconian act AFSPA is still enforced. And people across the globe whoever have some understanding about the history of Manipur knows how the people of this region had struggled to get their language included among the scheduled language of the country.
At all these issues none are timely cured, some – like granting of state status and inclusion of the Manipuri language among the scheduled language have been granted after a series of protest and some which discriminate the entire people of the state from the rest of the country still have not been taken as a matter of serious issue. This is about AFSPA.
Amidst this the burning issue of Inner Line permits system which has its roots as early as late 1960s is still keeping Manipur in the frying pan.
“The more you fight your enemy the more he learnt your weakness”, the saying seems true and it’s being utilized as we see today’s Manipur.
The issue which all the people of the state had unanimously fight together have now received opposition from groups of people.
With the failure of the authority to render justice to the people students now goes to the streets, submits memorandum to the governor.
This is being stated because these few months every years is putting the state into state of war like situation harassing the students which are the pillar of the future.
Almost everything has been ruined and if the education atmosphere is disturb the future of Manipur is surely to be landed in serious trouble.
Are these wait and watch attitude a strategy to end the future of this state? A matter that each of us need to ponder upon.
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