Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, December 19:
Taking strong exception to the hue and cry and the threat of abrogating the cease fire over the killing of former Nagaland DGP, Hesso Mao, the NSCN (K) today said that unlike the IM group it has not made any political commitments with the Government of India.
In a statement, the NSCN (K) today said that since it has not made any political commitments with New Delhi, the GoI is free to pull out of the cease fire any time.
Likewise the NSCN (K) too is free to break the cease fire anytime.
However as the IM group has committed itself politically to the GoI it cannot abrogate the cease fire under ordinary circumstances said the statement.
Referring to Clause C of the cease fire pact signed between the outfit and the Government of India, the statement said that some people have misinterpreted the cease fire ground rules.
On the other despite the clear cut ground rules, the GoI has been allowing the IM group to carry on rampant extortions, threats, intimidations, attacks and killings without any restraint, charged NSCN (K).
The NSCN (K) has been witnessing the excesses of the IM group with restraint but the silence of the GoI has exposed its irresponsibility and hypocrisy, charged the statement.
Making its stand clear, NSCN (K) said that it entered into a cease fire pact with the GoI under pressure from Naga NGOs like the Naga Hoho, NSF, NBCC, NPMHR etc and at the direct and indirect requests from the GoI.
The NSCN (K) leadership accepted the cease fire proposal to give peace a chance and expected constructive overtures from the IM leadership and GoI, asserted the outfit.
However Isak Swu and Th Muivah let loose a reign of terror towards all section of the Naga people and hoodwinked the people with talks of Solution, Integration, Independence and Sovereignty, said the statement.
Countless sittings have been conducted between the IM leaders and GoI during the eight and half years, said the statement and added that if sovereignty for Nagaland had been realised then the NSCN (K) would have accepted it as this is the objective of all.
However the Naga people have been betrayed by the IM leadership by climbing down from sovereignty and talking separate State and autonomous councils, which the Naga people already have since attaining Statehood many years back.
Today the stand of the IM group is Naga territorial integrity whereas the stand of the NSCN (K) is integration after settlement.
The stand of the IM group is settlement and then unity which means that all sections of Nagas will be united through coercion and killings which is nothing but a manifestation of hatred, said the statement.
On the other hand the stand of the NSCN (K) is unity before settlement which means accomodative spirit and goodwill, added the outfit.