Villagers want two state govts to resolve issue immediately
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, October 14, 2009:
The nagaland Armed Police (NAP) has not yet vacated its post stationed at the former BSF barracks located at Jessami in Chingai Sub-division in Ukhrul district.
The rest houses and other structures constructed by Nagaland authority on the Manipu side of the inter state border still existing.
Villagers of Jessami want the governments of Manipur and Nagaland to resolve the issue in an amicable manner.
It may be recalled here that the villagers of Jessami have remained frustrated for a long time since there was no one to whom they could turn to complain about the encroachment by Nagaland.
There had been a number of incidents in which the villagers of Jessami had unpleasant confrontations with the villagers of Nagaland side of the border.
While the villagers of Nagaland had enough police personnel to protect them, the villagers of Manipur had no one to turn to for protection.
This has made the villagers of Jessami live in shame in front of the villagers of the neighbouring state.
This was discovered by a combined team of Information Centre for Hill Areas, Manipur (ICHAM), Raphei Katamnao Long (RKL), Tangkhul Youth Council and media persons during a visit to the border areas recently.
The team also found that DC Ukhrul, SP and SDC of Chingai Sub-division, police personnel of Manipur government had not informed the state government on the encroachment by NAP.
However, the combined team reported the issue of encroachment through media.
The villagers of Jessami had told the visiting media persons about the illegal occupation by Nagaland Armed Police.
Office bearers of RKL told this newspaper today on phone that the government of Manipur had sent one company of 6th IRB to Jessami today to take back the out post of Nagaland.
The commanders of the company along with villagers of Jessami went to the NAP post.
NAP personnel were found still manning the post.
However, they were told to vacate the post as soon as possible.
The comapany of IRB consisting of 80 personnel came to Jessami police station where they will stay until the NAP shifts from the barracks, villagers of Jessami informed.
The villagers expressed their desire of the two state governments to resolve the issue amicably.
Meanwhile, the issue is with MHA following Manipur government's complain.
Meanwhile MHA's Joint Secretary Naveen Verma has reportedly sent a message that one company of Indian Reserve battalion may immediately take over NAP at Akash Post, Jessami.
Both the DGPs of Manipur and Nagaland were also intimated in this regard,sources added.But when contacted,Nagaland DGP K Kire told this reporter over telephone that as they refer the case to MHA, they'll wait the reply."We're waiting for the reply",he said.
Nagaland's police chief also further informed that they've also appraised the matter to the Union Home Secretary G K Pillai who is presently visiting the state.
The Home Secretary also said that he would look into it afresh,the senior police officer added.