TNL endorses UNC's choices
Source: The Sangai Express

Ukhrul, January 24: Under the directive of the United Naga Council (UNC), the Tangkhul Naga Long (TNL) has named three candidates as its consensual choice in the three ACs of Ukhrul district.

The consensus candidates declared by the TNL and Wungnao Long (Village Chief/Headman) along with other participants are Danny Shaiza 44 (ST) Ukhrul A/C (Ind), Dr Kashim Ruivah 43 (ST) Chingai A/C (Ind) and Wungnaoshang Keishing 45 (ST) Phungyar A/C (Ind).

At a press conference held at the meeting venue the president of TNL said that the three candidates have been short-listed from among 16 intending candidates.

He further appealed to all the Tangkhul people to maintain tranquility in the forth coming election and strengthen the call of the TNL and UNC.