NSCN(IM) doubles extortion rate in Manipur
Source: Manipur Mail
Imphal, October 21:
S Jadumani, President of United Committee Manipur said that the UCM will never surrender the territorial integrity of Manipur.
We will continue the agitation to safeguard territorial integrity of Manipur he said.
As a part of the agitation launched by UCM, a new form of agitation entitled as 'Cease of duty for safeguard of territorial integrity of Manipur' will be launched from tomorrow the October 22 up to October 24 throughout the state.
He further said that the government of Manipur should give a clear cut stand about the cease fire extension of NSCN(IM) in the state.
Release of 13 NSCN(IM) cadres by the government of Manipur arises the question that if the cease fire between the NSCN (IM) and government of India is extended in Manipur.
After the unconditional release of 13 NSCN (IM) cadres, the cadres now demand a big tax form the vehicles at national highways.
The goods tax at National high ways has been increased double times.
They openly demand money on table besides the national high ways.
The security force could not do anything against them, he charged.
The SPF government is least concerned about the integrity of the state and the people should maintain vigil the AMSU today said.
AMSU has always been associated with the people.
The government is playing divide and rule policy.
It also discussed the release of the NSCN (IM) cadres.
It expressed regret for the double talk of the government over the matter.