127th Patriots' Day Observation  held at Kolkata :: 11 August 2018

127th Patriots' Day Observation held at Kolkata on 11th August 2018 ; Organised by Manipuri In Kolkata - MIK

Venue: Rabindra Okakura Bhavan, Salt Lake City, Kolkata

People from others manipuri communities joined the Event. And well wishers from the Local Bengali commnity were present as Guests in the program.

Floral Offering ,Tribute to the Heroes, Recitations ,Thang Ta and Pung Cholom ,Group Songs, Solo Patriotism Songs , Monologue ,Quiz on History of Manipur.

And felicitation were given to Students who Scored High Marks in the Board Exam.

Picture Credit :: Manipuri In Kolkata - MIK