PREPAK (Pro) greets on 34th B'day
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, October 09 2011:
Contd from previous issue .
Stating that the Government at New Delhi has been embroiled in many high profile corruption cases, the outfit asserted that there is no point to repose any faith in the political parties, which according to the outfit are all addicted to political power.
"The Government of India would never hand over our economic rights/power on a platter.
It's time for our people to make our own way.
It does not matter if any conflict arises or not with India when we tread on our own path", stated the outfit's Chairman Paliba M. Despite repeated instances of mass movement against human rights violation and threats to the integrity of the nation, the Government of India has not ruffled a bit, rather it is continuing with its alleged suppressive measures.
The Government of India has accustomed to unleashing such repressive measures which is allegedly guided by an intention to keep the people of Kangleipak away from the reach and notice of international communities.
No forms of people's democratic movement can persuade the Government of India to do away with the alleged repressive measures.
Only full scale confrontation can make New Delhi understand that they cannot go on suppressing the people of Kangleipak.
"For this, our people should prepare well", Paliba asserted.
The genuine revolutionary groups of the land would not be deterred a bit by such act of the security forces as luring some uncommitted cadres to surrender by offering money or forcing arrested cadres to surrender.
The Government of India's strategy of peace talk is a ploy to keep the people of Kangleipak under the alien rule for good, the Chairman asserted.
Saying that the outfit is not yet fully prepared for a decisive battle, the Chairman appealed to all the people to understand the adverse impacts of bandhs/blockades, and also not to resort to bandhs/blockades/general strikes too often.
He further appealed to all the people not to speak or act in such a way which could create discord or misunderstanding among different communities.
Asking all communities to resolve all outstanding issues and inter-community conflicts through dialogue, the outfit offered all possible assistance towards this end.
The objective of PREPAK (Pro) is to restore sovereignty of Kangleipak where there is no difference between different communities, where all the communities can progress together on equal footing.
The Chairman also appealed to all the people to point out to their cadres if they have any misgivings, complaints or suggestions about the party and its activities.
Paliba further conveyed gratitude to all the people and fraternal and like minded revolutionary groups for their help in consolidating the position of PREPAK (Pro) .