Aug 31 deadline set on Inner Line Permit System
Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, August 25 2012:
The Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System has set a deadline of August 31 for the State Government to send to the Centre the State Assembly and State Cabinet resolutions on the implementation of ILPS in Manipur.
Speaking to media persons at FREINDS office at Keishampat today, convenor of the committee Sapamcha Jadumani said that intense agitation would be launched in case the Cabinet resolution of July 12 and the State Assembly resolution of July 13 are not sent to the Centre by August 31 .
Quoting the statement of Union Home Minister of State Rameshchandra, given in the Lok Sabha in response to a query put up by Bengal MP Kumar Das on August 23 that there is no question of implementing ILPS in other North Eastern States except Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh, Jadumani deduced that the Union Minister's statement meant the Cabinet resolution as well as the Assembly resolution have not been sent nor studied by the Centre till date.
The State Government's deliberate act of refraining itself from sending the two crucial resolutions to the Centre only exposed that the State Government is deadly opposed to the idea of implementing ILPS in Manipur.
The responsibility to save the indigenous people of Manipur lies with themselves.
As such, the indigenous people should not go by the decision of the Government of India.
The Joint Committee on ILPS would fully support the general strike called by NESO all over the North East region barring Assam on September 6, Jadumani said.
The committee would also take part in the mass rally scheduled to be held in Guwahati.
Co-convenor of the committee Mutum Churamani asserted that it is the duty of the committee to ensure that the Cabinet resolution as well as the Assembly resolution are translated into action.