Source: The Sangai Express
Lamka, February 24, 2010:
One of the two tribal armed group that had entered into an SoO truce with the government, the Kuki National Organisation today celebrated its 23rd anniversary at KNA's designated camp identified as Camp Salem, about 30 kms from here with the Chairman of Zomi Council, N Songchinkhup attending as the Chief Guest.
The anniversary celebration was also attended by leaders of other armed groups of the KNO's SoO counterparts, the UPF, a rare event for the two to share a common having been at loggerhead with one another in the past.
As the event was opened to the public due to the SoO agreement, numerous civil society leaders of the district, including student bodies and village chiefs also attended.
Other guests besides the Zomi Council Chairman included President of Vaiphei Peoples' Council Kamkholal Vaiphei, his equivalent in the United Zou Organisation and the Paite Tribe Council, Ginsuanhau and Langkhanpau Guite, and Kuki Inpi Churachandpur President Khaipao Haokip.
Except a few dignitary, many of the speakers reiterated their call upon leaders of the armed groups to abandon inimical posture.
'Though we are yet to unite in one organization, I am glad that we could see face to face today,' a KNO representative said while felicitating others from the KRA, ZRO, HPC (D) and KNF(S).
Buoyed by the sight of leaders from the KNO and UPF presenting a mutual public appearance today, Khaipao Haokip even went to the extent of asserting that peace has reigned in the district.
In a written message on the ocassion, the KNO's President PS Haokip recalled the independent society and pledged to restore it to its former glory while sharing his dream of ascending that path.
He also exhorted families and relatives of the men he had lost and offered his salutations.