Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, October 09:
Elaborating on the need to be wary of India's policy to swamp Manipur with outsiders, PREPAK said that there is a lesson to be learnt from the East Timor experience.
The outfit said that Indonesia flooded East Timor with its security personnel and policemen that for every 250 East Timorese there was one police man or security personnel.
All the mothers of Manipur and women need to understand the policy being pursued by India, noted Nongdren, the VC of PREPAK.
The need of the hour is for the people to unitedly defeat the policies being pursued by the Government of India, said the statement and added that birth control and infanticide will sound the death knell of society.
Stressing on the need to save the youngsters from intoxicants, the outfit said that use of intoxicants has led to erosion of character amongst the youngsters particularly the students.
The recent drive anti-intoxicants being taken up is laudable, noted the outfit and added that the public and social organisations should take up the responsibility of fighting the menace of drugs and alcohol.
The youngsters need to be kept away from intoxicants so that a whole crop of young healthy generation can be brought up.
Not only this a check on intoxicants will also ensure social character amongst the younger people.
Explaining why PREPAK has decided to stop contract and supply works, the statement said that though fund is an indispensable part of carrying out the struggle, hankering after contract and supply works has proved to be detrimental.
The cons outweigh the pros, said the statement and added that pursuing contract and supply works also had a negative impact on the character of the revolutionaries and at times it led to confrontations between cadres of different organisations.
Taking this into consideration, PREPAK decided to stop all contract and supply works, noted the VC.
PREPAK will always stand against the excesses and atrocities of the security personnel, asserted the leader of the outfit and urged the people to be wary of the designs of the security force.
The people should be on guard against the excesses of the security personnel, said the outfit and accused them of exploding bombs in public places and firing at the innocent public.
The action of the security personnel is nothing short of State terrorism charged the outfit and reminded the people that terrorism is against international laws.
Today Sharmila is on a fast unto death for nearly six years now, said PREPAK and observed that despite her long struggle, the Indian Government has done nothing.
This proves that they support terrorism, it added.
Concluding his address to the people, the VC said that PREPAK and its armed wing the Red Army will always stand by the people and appealed to all to extend their cooperation to the endeavours taken up by the outfit.