Source: The Sangai Express
Imphal, September 08, 2009:
While the people should continue with the ongoing protest movement, the Judicial Enquiry ordered into the Khwairamband killing may be allowed to carry on, said HERICOUN.
Speaking to media persons at its office yesterday, HERICOUN general secretary Longjam Ratankumar noted that the terms of reference specified for the enquiry has nothing new.
It needs modification, he said.
Based on the recommendation made at the discussion programme organised by the organisation on the Judicial Enquiry ordered into the Khwairamband killing, a written appeal suggesting 12 different points for inclusion in the terms of reference of the Judicial Enquiry has been submitted to the Chief Minister, the Chief Secretary and the Chairman of the Enquiry Commission, Ratankumar said.
Saying that HERICOUN prefers a CBI enquiry into the Khwairamband killing, Ratankumar called for a sustained movement so that such incidents do no recur in future.
The 12 points proposed by HERICOUN for inclusion in the Terms of Reference of the Judicial Enquiry:
1.Was there any firing on the police persornnel by Ch Sanjit on 23 July 2009? If yes, what are facts and circumstantial evidences? If no, how and why he was killed?
2.Did the police commandos obtained order/instruction for firing on 23rd July 2009? If so, who gave tbe firing order? If no, can the police commando fire without order or instruction?
3.To find out who is/are directly or indirectly responsible for the dead of Rabina and Ch Sanjit and injuries to Wangkheirakpam Geetarani Devi, Ningthoujam Kishorani, Golmei Mangol, Pangabam Lukhoi Singh, Kangabam Subhachandra
4.Whether any inquest/investigation under Section 174 Cr.P.C has been held and drew up any report regarding the death of Ch.
Sanjit and Rabina Devi on 23rd July 2009? If inquest were held and report submitted, what does the report revealed and what actions have been initiated in pursuance of the report? If no inquest was held, the reason why the procedure under Section Cr.P.C were not followed?
5.Did the police take up any action to give medical help to Rabina Devi and other injured persons on 23rd July 2009? If so, the detail of the arrangement made by the police? If no, the reason why medical help was not made available to them?
6.Who was responsible for causing the death of the unborn child in the womb of Rabina Devi? Has any action been initiated against the responsible person? If yes, the details of the action taken? If no, the reason why such action has not been initiated?
7.Whether the fire arms/guns issued to the commando party who took part in the incident of 23rd July seized and sent for expert opinion? If yes, the details of the seizure and mode of examination done on the fire arms? If no, the reason why such procedures have not been followed?
8.Whether any inquest were held under section 174 Cr.P.C.and report of apparent cause of death submitted in respect of killings by state forces/security forces in alleged encounters durig 2007-2009 upto the killing 23rd July 2009 ? If there were inquests, the detail thereof and where there is no such inquest, the reason why such procedures were not foHowcd?
9.Whether the weapons (Arms and ammunition) alleged1y recovered during alleged encounter properly seized and kept in safe clistody and whether the weapons are sent to experts for expert opinion? If yes, the details along with the findings of the expert opinions.
If not, the I reason why such procedures have not been followed?
10.Whether the Manipur Police Commandos/ lRB personnel have been given any special training for counter insurgency? If yes, the details of the special training? If no, the reason why no special training has been given to them?
11.Whether the police commandos/IRB personnel have been given any instruction to shoot dead anyone suspected of belonging to or belonging to an unlawful organization? If so, who gave the instruction and under what provision of law such instruction was given?