Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, August 07 2009:
Various civil society organisations of the state have aired their grievances and demands in connection with the 'fake encounter' incident at Khwairamband Bazar on July 23.Here is what the organisations have their say: The Nupi Khunai Apunba Lup, Lamshang - an umbrella organisation of eleven women's associations - said the CM is maintaining double-standard in dealing the issue.
The organisation's president, M Manbi Leima, in a press statement demanded the resignation of the CM on moral ground.
United Clubs Organisation (UCO), Golapati Hata said there is no need to conduct any sort of inquiry as the fact has been clearly established by the Tehelka.
Therefore, the guilty personnel should be dismissed from service and should be booked under NSA.
Kangchuplam Meira Paibi Apunba Lup, Lamshang Thamnapokpi said the CM must resign from his post.
The KAMPAL has also demanded the guilty personnel be terminated and the Apunba Lup leaders be freed immediately.
Maichou Ningshing Lup, Khurai urged the government to remember that we are human.
It also pledged to support the movement for the dismissal of O Ibobi from the Chief Minister post.
All Manipur Democratic Women Assocaition demanded that curfew should be lifted.
It also suggests that the CM should bring an amicable solution to the issue.
Civil Liberties and Human Rights Organisation (CLAHRO), Manipur said imposition of curfew violates the right to life of the people.
The case should be handed over to the CBI instead of conducting judicial inquiry.
Over 300 people have been killed in fake encounter killing incidents.
Curfew should be lifted immediately in order to ensure the right to life of the people.
Consumers' Club, Manipur said a team led by its president W Manglem has begun keeping a close watch on the unnecessary hike of the price of essential commodities by shopkeepers during curfew relaxation hours.
It informed the people to contact the Consumers' Club in case of price hike by shop keepers.
It also warned to take stringent action against shops which hike the price of commodities.