Source: Hueiyen News Service / Daniel Kamei
Tamenglong, June 30 2010:
Like other part of India observe the month of June and July as Anti Malaria month, the District Vector Born Disease Control Society, Tamenglong today organised Anti Malaria Month 2010 at United Builders School, Tamenglong district HQs with C Arthur W, IAS Sub- Divisional Officer, Tamenglong, Dr Ch.
Dhabalo Singh, Project Coordinator NVBCP, Government of Manipur, MK F Shah Dy.
Commandant 11 AR and Dr.L Sharatchandra, Chief Medical Officer Tamenglong as chief guest, guest of honours and president of the function respectively.
While giving key note address Dr Gunamani Singh, District Malaria Officer, Tamenglong said that many eradication programme was taken up in the district but failed and control programme was continued till today.
With the efforts put in by ASHA from the villages were able to controlled get accurate report.
In 2009 as many 260 persons got sick where dangerous Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) cases are 112 and oneperson died, he said.
The prone malaria areas are Oinamlong, Sibilong and Namtiram villages.
Malaria disease was spread by female Anopheline mosquitoes.
'If any person suspects malaria case one person can go to ASHA member in their locality and get free testing, Dr Gunamani stated.
Speaking as chief guest C Arthur W, IAS, SDO Tamenglong suggested that awareness campaign to control malaria can be done in local dialect instead of Manipuri or English language.
'We cannot eradicate the dreadful disease but we can control the malaria', he stated.
He also said that touring in the villages under his block it is ironic that many ASHAs were not well trained and people did not benefit the JSY schemes.
He also suggested that fresh training for ASHAs be emphasize.
Dr Ch.
Dhabalo Singh, Project Coordinator NVBCP, Government of Manipur, MK F Shah Dy.
Commandant 11 AR and Dr.L Sharatchandra, Chief Medical Officer Tamenglong also spoke on the occasion.
In meantime, the Concern Organisation for People Affairs, COPA held a meeting here in the afternoon today at Zeliangrong House Tamenglong and released one book on Demand for Sixth Schedule in Rongmei dialect by its convener DD Dikambui.
The meeting also resolved to publish in Liangmei and Zeme dialect.