Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, January 28 2009:
THE ASSAM Rifles authority has reaffirmed its stand that the cordon of the armed cadres will continue till the NSCN(IM) either surrender their weapons and leave the Siroy village or move to any of the designated camps along with their weapons even as more residents of the Ukhrul district joined the sit-in demonstration demanding an end to the week long tense situation arising out of stand-off between the NSCN (IM) and Assam Rifles.
Assam Rifles authority in a statement dispatch by the PRO IGAR (South) has made it clear that the proposal of the NCSN(IM) to move its cadres to yet another village with their arms, ammunitions and explosives which the NSCN(IM) can not be accepted stating that no armed cadres can be permitted to move any of these areas.
The statement reiterated that the Assam Rifles has accepted to provide safe passage to the NSCN(IM) cadres camping at Siroy village "as one time measures provided they moved out with their weapons to any of the designated camps.�
"The step was taken purely from the point of view of ensuring peace and tranquility in the area and ensuring cadres do not roam around in close vicinity of populated areas," the statement of the PRO IGAR (S) said.
"Unfortunately� after the request made by the NSCN(IM) to provide a safe passage was "acceded to," the NSCN(IM) authorities have intimated that they would not move to any other of the designated camps and their cadres would move to yet another village with their arms, ammunition and explosives which can not be accepted "Obliviously", as they are not permitted to any other places other than to the designated camps, the IGAR(S) said.
It also said that it is the endeavor of Army and Assam Rifles to ensure peace and tranquilly and base on this account, the AR authority gave the permission for safe passage to the armed cadres as a one time measures.
"The Army and Assam Rifles have gone out of their way to help the local populace through a number of military civic action (MCA) projects and sincere endeavors towards providing assistance to locals at all levels," the statement of the PRO reiterated citing that if armed cadres of the NSCN(IM) are allowed to remain in these areas, it will affect the security situation and prevailing peaceful environment and hence can not be permitted," it said.
On the other hand, today also around 500 people gathered at a public place in Ukhrul district headquarter and joined the sit-in demonstration demanding withdrawal of the troops to the Assam Rifles and allow returning of normalcy in the week long tense situation.
Many public leaders also talk on the possibility of breaking the peace and tranquility in the village if tension in the areas owing to the stand-off of the NSCN(IM) and the Assam Rifles authority continue.
At the Siroy village where the camp of the NSCN(IM) cadres is keeping surrounded by the troops of Assam Rifles since the last weekend also womenfolk of the Siroy village and its surrounding are staying round the clock to prevent any untoward happening.
When contacted a local villager over phone, he said the situation "very tense" as both side remaining sticking to their stands.
The local man said �whatever it may be the only thing we like is to resume normalcy in the village and bring an amicable solution to prevent any bloodshed.".