Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, July 25 2010:
Despite having various sources of fund for taking up developmental and welfare programmes, Department of Development of Tribals ad Scheduled Caste witnessed poor performances in taking up developmental programmes during 2009-10 .
Taking up of developmental programme by the department is almost like nil when analysis to the annual report of the department for the year 2009-10 tabled in the House of the Manipur Legislative Assembly in the ongoing session.
Implementations of family oriental programmes like providing assistant to 2130 families of Scheduled Tribe and 238 families of Scheduled Caste under the Rural Shelter programme, awarding of financial assistance to 350 ST Youth Clubs/voluntary organisation, assistance to 633 ST families under the programme for rearing of animal, payment of post matriculate scholarships to 50,070 ST students and 1,614 SC students and taking up eight infrastructure development programmes were the only achievement of the department during the year under report.
There are various sources of funding for taking up developmental and welfare programmes implemented by the department.
Some of the sources of funds are State Plan, Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-plan, Grants under Article 275 (i) of the Indian Constitution, Special Central Assistance to SC Sub-plan and Centrally sponsored schemed on 100% and 50:50 funding basis between the Central government and the state government.
As per an official source from these various sources, the department got funds amounting to Rs 5151.39 lakh, out of which Rs 2875.59 lakh from the state plan and Rs 2275.80 lakh from other centrally sponsored schemes.
The department incurred Rs 4132.08 lakh from these total allocated funds leaving the rest Rs 284.98 unspent.
Not only the tribal and scheduled caste development department that detected poor performance in the annual reports but also the Autonomous District Councils under the Hill Department of the Manipur government.
The council implementing various developmental schemes and welfare programmes received Rs 8,50,00,000 and Rs 5296.90 lakh as Grant Aid under plan and non-plan during the year 2009-10 .
But except recruitment for filling up vacant posts of primary teachers for the schools running under the six ADC, no other mentioned in its report.
However, the expenditure statement upto February 2010 of the ADC reflected that incurred of Rs 5,52,03.865 from the plan head and Rs 47,94,61,964 from the non-plan head.
The six ADCS in Manipur � Senapati ADC, Sadar Hills ADC, Churachandpur ADC, Ukhrul ADC, Tamenglong ADC and Chandel ADC which have been placed under suppression for a long time has been functioning with DCs of each districts as the administrative heads.
The Chandel ADC was suppressed effective from March 18, 1989, Churachandpur and Senapati from November 23, 1993 and Tamenglong, Ukhrul and Sadar Hills from October 1988, to mention here.
After the conduct of the elections in the month of May and June, the ADCs have been revived by issuing orders regarding the matter by the DC concerns.
The coming to power of the ADCs is hoped for enhancing the developmental paces in the hill districts.