Acceptance ritual of Tangkhul lad & Meetei girl held
Source: Hueiyen News Service
Imphal, October 09 2011:
The Laukhatpa (acceptance) ceremony of a Tangkhul lad and a Meetei girl with traditional rituals was held at Uttra Shanglen, Palace compound under the presence of the Titular king of Manipur, Leishemba Sanajaoba today.
The acceptance ceremony was held in recognition of the two persons of different religions as legally and socially acceptable.
KSV Ringfapam, s/o Kashomva Sangreimui of Ukhrul district and Thangjam Dhakeshwari, d/o Thangjam Nandakishwar of Thangmeiband Sinam Leikai had a court marriage on October 1 in the presence of the Marriage Officer of Manipur.
After the court marriage they were socially accepted as lawfully wedded husband and wife at Uttra Shanglen, Palace compound today.
The acceptance ceremony which was held with traditional and religious activities was attended by officials of Sana konung, family members, friends and relatives of the bride and the groom.
Speaking on the occasion, Leishemba Sanajaoba, the Titular King of Manipur said that during olden days there were instances where the people of the plains and the hillsl shared everything among themselves with love and care.
The people of the hills would bring gifts, available in the hills for the plain peoples, and the people of the plains would in return give them whatever is available in the plains to the hill people.
During those times intermarriage between the people of the hills and the plains were quite prevalent.
As a result there was indisputable love between the people of the hills and the plains.
If this practice is kept intact there will be no hatred among us all.
Love will prevail.
By then we will all be able to live like a family, the titular king added.
He further went on to say that we need to encourage the type of ceremony held today in which a Meetei girl and a Tangkhul has been socially accepted.
Puyam Tomcha, Secretary, Uttra Sanglen, Sana Konung said that in 1972, the then Titular king of Manipur Pareihanba Okendrajit, at a function said that the practice of untouchability has been banned.
And all religious functions have been held together since.
Today also the acceptance ceremony is being held.
This is the third occasions when such ceremonies is being held at Sana Konung.